Achieve Better Golf Posture

Achieve Better Golf Posture
The perfect golf swing drill is a joy to behold. The perfect golf swing drill starts with a proper back swing with the golf club swung right back to the limit of your body. 

At this segment of the perfect golf swing drill your mind should be preparing for the rotation of your body and the arm extension.

The perfect golf swing drill ends with the body weight on the outside of the front heel and the inside of the rear foot.

The perfect golf swing drill is easy when your body is prepared and conditioned to achieve it. However the perfect golf swing drill can be very difficult for a golfer not involved in any golf specific exercise designed to condition and prepare their muscles and body in general for the strain and pressure that golf usually brings.

There is no doubt that the perfect golf swing drill happens only with those whose muscles and bodies have been prepared.

Often one of the most overlooked areas of play is the postural address or setup position of the swing.  Proper posture and foot placement allows you to maintain your balance throughout the swing. Also proper body alignment can help to create a setup that leads to control.  Postural alignment is an integral part of the quality of your golf swing.
Good postural alignment helps you create power and control the direction of the shot. Key pre-swing elements such as ball position and body alignment create the conditions that lead to control. The body angles that you create at address directly influence the path and angle on which you swing the club. They influence the body positions and movements; thus your setup directly affects all elements of the swing.

A physical fitness assessment can give you much information on achieving good posture throughout your swing.  Don’t overlook the advantages of muscular strength and flexibility when considering the golf swing.  These advantages can make the difference between playing great golf and constantly struggling to maintain your current level of play.

By identifying areas of weakness, you are able to direct your fitness regimen to retrain old muscle habits, improve muscle memory, coordinate spinal movement and thus improve your posture.  Concentrating on the muscles that control the spine angle, your center of gravity and balance, you will improve the muscles necessary to correct current swing faults.

A vast golf course

Leisurely sunny Sunday morning, extended weekends or holidays, in all these discussions is no mention of golf. What is golf? 

So this is an outdoor ball games, in which the aim is to hit the ball into the hole in the series the smallest possible stroke. A round of golf consists of 18 holes. Now the number of strokes you need to hit one hole is your Par. Each hole has a teeing area around it, which includes a fairway, a rough sideway and a green well-mown area around the hole. Then there are the “not so wanted” barriers like sand traps, water etc that are called the bunkers. 

It is believed to have originated from an ancient game called chole, supposedly meaning, “ball”. Most of the people believe that Scotland is where Golf was born, probably out of a banned 15th century game called ‘gowf’. However many folklore relate it as an acronym for Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden. The modern Golf came into being again in Scotland in the later half of the 19th century. Later on over the 20th century golf saw a facelift with a variety of golf equipments and techniques being invented. 

Golf has woven itself in the social fabric as the game of the elite and high-end businessmen. Would you believe if we tell you that many US business school add golf to their management curriculum? It is a game of social status. After all one has to shell out huge sums on latest equipment, the right clothing and the green fees of the golf course. This has still kept golf away from the reach of common man. Nevertheless, the massive popularity of the game can be judged by the very fact that there are over 32,000 golf courses in the world!

Players move around the golf course with their caddies who manage the equipments of the players. The player whose ball is farthest from the hole gets a chance to play first when each individual player has had his chance of playing the ball once. The game is won by the person or the team that scores the maximum holes. It can be played by teams in foursome or by individuals. A very interesting term taking rounds in the golfing community is “Golf handicap.” This is the score of proficiency of different players, which affect their net score, thus allowing players of different capacities to play against each other.

People say golf is not played by rules but by etiquettes. However, there are a few laid down rules. The most basic are "play the ball as it lies", "play the course as you find it", and "if you cannot do either, do what is fair". A Golfer can play several types of shots such as tee shot, fairway shot, bunker shot, puts, pitch, flop, chip and a golf swing. A golf swing is the most complex shot that involves perfect coordination of the complete anatomy of the player.

Over the years golf equipment has grown in term of sophistication and technique. From golf balls, tees and clubs to golf carts, bags shoes, etc; it is a whole big market out there. The British officers first started professional golf. Now there are several Golf tournaments like PGA tour, Ryder Cup, U.S. Open etc. In this time and age when pollution is a big problem, the vast golf course proved to be the town where they are in the lungs to breathe. They nurture the local flora and fauna, and provide a welcome respite from the concrete jungle.

About the waggle

In my game, I have adopted the most simple swing and stick as many shots is basically the same action should be played. Now, I have introduced the idea of ​​teaching that you will better understand why I attach such importance to this point.

Now these four points together make up the top of the swing, and I was talking about the waggle—which is the bottom of an imaginary swing! But do not think I was digressing. I was not, the two are linked together. And why? Because unless you feel the whole of the swing in your waggle, your waggle is failing in its purpose.

This controlling feel is built up through the constant repetition of the correct movements. We do not know just where in the system it resides, but whether it is muscular memory, or the wearing of certain grooves or channels in the mind, or—as is probable—a combination of the two, it is obvious that the more often the same succession of movements can be repeated the clearer the memory will be. 

Also, and this is most important, it is highly desirable that the memory should not be confused by the frequent or even occasional introduction of other and different movements—as happens when the swing is fundamentally changed for certain shots.

It is mainly for this reason that I teach and preach and practice that every shot from the full drive to the putt should be played with the same movement. Of course in the drive the movement is both more extensive and bolder than for the shorter shots, but fundamentally it is the same. 

The result must be a feeling of "in-to-out" stroking across the face of the ball—played not at the ball, but through it. The "in-to-out" refers to the relation of the feel of the path of the club head to the desired line of flight of the ball.

The only shots in golf which I have been unable to play or to teach as sections of the fundamental "in-to-out" swing are certain shots which call for cut pulled under and across the ball.

But for ninety-nine out of every hundred shots a golfer must play, the swing is the movement necessary. So to clear the ground I will list what I consider to be the essentials of the swing:

1. It is essential to turn the body round to the right and then back and round to the left, without moving either way. In other words this turning movement must be from a fixed pivot.

2. It is essential to keep the arms at full stretch throughout the swing—through the back swing, the down swing, and the follow through.

3. It is essential to allow the wrists to break fully back at the top of the swing.

4. It is essential to delay the actual hitting of the ball until as late in the swing as possible.

5. It is essential not to tighten any muscle concerned in the reactive part of the swing (movement above the waist).

6. It is essential to feel and control the swing as a whole and not to concentrate upon any part of it.

In a sense this last point is the most vital. The swing must be considered and felt as a single unity, not as a succession of positions or even a succession of movements. The swing is one and indivisible.

Now I consider that our golf is liable to go wrong if we lose sight of any of these essentials. There are of course innumerable incidentals that could be added that are important enough to have a considerable influence on one's game, but I will go so far as to say that if you have these six essentials well embedded in your system and if you have developed some conscious control of your swing by getting the feel of the right movements—your game will rarely or never desert you.

Of course the comfortable, reliable, right feel is not a thing that comes all at once. For instance, it takes years—though not if your teacher teaches by feel—to

feel nicely set and comfortable before the ball; weight between the feet, perfectly free and active and yet firmly planted.

Then the waggle. About the waggle a whole book could be written. Every movement we make when we waggle is a miniature of the swing we intend to make. The club head moves in response to the body and the body opposes the club head. It is a flow and counter flow of forces with no static period, no check.

There is no check anywhere in a good swing. There is no such thing as the "dead top" of a swing—there are four points each one of which might be so considered if it were not for the other three! They are: (1) When the pivot (feet to shoulders) has reached its top, the arms are still going up. (2) When the arms have reached their top, the body is on its day down. (3) When the arms begin to come down, the wrists have still to break back, and (4) When the wrists break

The lessons of the feel of the control concept as brief as possible, we must give up thinking about our shots. In place of thinking, there must be conscious control, through the establishment of (repeated by the correct action) feel comfortable and reliable, the feeling will tell you by infallibly attract your muscle memory to get, what is the right action - and that will be accompanied by you and control your shooting regardless of your mental state may be. Do not think this means outside the control mental state.

Golf swing will grind out powerful and shots

You want to be just like a champion to have a golf swing will grind out powerful and shots. Now I will tell you how to do it.
A successful player's swing is different from the two main aspects of ordinary player; both are correct, and grooved.

What do I mean by a correct golf swing? I mean that when the player swings the club with maximum power their body moves through a series of linked positions which enble them to control the club and thus achieve accuracy. Conversely, when an ordinary golfer tries to exert power they throw their body into incorrect positions and lose control and power.

A good golf swing is actually made up of a series of movements each of which positions the club correctly. It is this ability to make the correct body movements that allows the player to position the club correctly.

These different positions of the golf swing are not hard to achieve. The difficulty for most players is stringing them together and then keeping them together when they try to hit the ball hard.

If your golf swing tends to become erratic the moment you try to hit the ball hard you need to go back to basics. No, you don't have to start learning all over again, but you do have to analyze each position and make sure that it is correct.

Then, once you know that each position is as it should be, you can start to link them together into an entire swing. And that is what I mean by well-grooved. The linked-together golf swing repeats itself time and again, even under the greatest pressure.

When you watch a really successful golfer swing the club you will notice that they all have a routine. The way they set up to the ball is always the same. Their pre-swing routine is always the same. The actual golf swing always looks the same - except when they make a poor shot. Then you will notice that they look off balance and their body is often leaning over as they anxiously watch the flight of their ball.

The easy way for an ordinary golfer to achieve a correct and well-grooved golf swing is to develop a mind movie of their swing. Then, simply by running this mind movie every time you set up to the ball you will set your well grooved swing in motion.

This is what Jack Nicklaus always did.

You can learn how to do your golf mind movie and build your own swing by Google Internet search engine and type golf swing, where you'll find some sites will tell you how to build a strong and accurate golf swing that repeated even under pressure.

Small changes to your golf swing

Just by making a few small changes to your golf swing, you will radically transform the way you play golf.

Discover The Four Simple Moves Only 1% Of Golfers Are Aware Of For Less Than The Price Of A PGA Pro Lesson! Pinpoint With Absolute Certainty The Faults Cripling Your Golf Game - Without Wasting Your Time On The Practice Range - Say goodbye to the dreaded slice and hook forever!
Learn What Timeless Well-Meant Advice Has Cruelly Wrecked Your Swing Since The Day You First Picked Up A Club - The time has come to expose the poor tuition too many golfers like yourself have paid good money for! 
Discover The ONE Golf Technique That over the Generations Has Caused a Staggering Amount of Carnage for Millions of Golfers and how to completely ignore it! 
Learn How To Swing The Club On The Correct Path Each And Every Time Some people still think that the club head follows only a single path going up and coming down! 
Discover How To Think Your Way Around A Golf Course - No more "Dumb" Shot Choices. Guaranteed. Period. 
Become The Most Feared Golf Opponent At Your Club As You Uncover The Secrets Of Timing And Rhythm…
See Your Handicap Go Into FreeFall With No Means Of Stopping It! - Whilst your friends are left in bewilderment at your weekly successes on the golf course...
Finally Play Golf Without Fear Or Apprehension - Once YOU Discover The Four Vital Moves To Your Golf Swing - This easy to follow "step by step system" will allow you to finally ignore the impossible and ill-founded advice that has been given in one form or another for about as long as there has been any literature on golf. (page 15)

By the way, these insider secrets I am about to reveal to you are not something you will discover casually while reading a golf magazine. In addition, I know damn well your local golf pro will not tell you!

Skeptical? Trust me, there's tens of thousands of professionals out there, telling golfers how to swing incorrectly.

So let me share with you the extraordinary results some of my clients have witnessed by transforming their golf swings.

Ordinary people, like you and me, with incredible results.

Agreed? In short I have discovered what it really takes to transform anyone's golf swing - by this, I mean real people like you and me. I never won any junior golf events throughout my teens and I was convinced I would never be able to improve. 

I cannot tell you the number of times I burnt a hole in my pocket convinced I had found the next "all singing - all dancing" golf improvement course. However many golf lessons I had, however many golf DVDs I watched, however many golf magazines I read, however many times I practiced - I never seemed to get better.

The result? Huge disappointment.

How I Discovered The Secret That Cut . My Handicap And Over 944 Other Golfers!.

Therefore, off I went in search of information and advice to help me significantly improve my golf swing.

I had stumbled across a book that showed a unique and simple way to play golf.

At a time when I was so confused about the golf, swing....

Here is how this ugly little myth works,

You watch a favorite professional golfer perform his "patented" swing, paying close attention to every detail.

You then duplicate every detail into your own swing, from memory, hoping to achieve the same result the pro does.

You may think you see Tiger uncork his wrist on the downswing... heck, CBS or Sky Sports may do a slow-motion repeat for you, pointing the uncorking out... but unless you understand WHY he is uncorking at that particular moment in the swing, you will NEVER figure out how to incorporate such an action into your own swing.

All the great golfers have. More specifically, there are exactly FOUR points in your swing where you also must make a critical CHOICE... and everything that happens in your swing will be affected by these four choices.

The reason professional golfers are making fabulous incomes playing golf and you're still trying to drop your handicap to single digits is because the pros have made good choices at each of these four vital points in their swing... and you still don't know there are choices to be made.

The bad swing is caused by a failure in execution at four critical points. Furthermore, golfers make the same mistakes at the same points, and this is true whether you test this principle with two golfers or two thousand.

Most poor or mediocre players manage to incorporate all four into one swing. With the four right moves instead of the four wrong ones my swing would be better, my mistakes fewer, and my scores lower.

There can be nothing more frustrating on a golf course than three putting. Having correctly executed your shots to reach the green in regulation it is so disappointing to initially have a putt for birdie but ultimately walk off the green with a bogey.

The unmentionable dreaded three putt demon patiently sits in the background ready to pounce on any unsuspecting golfer! How true the old clique of “you drive for show and putt for dough” resonates as you trudge off the green embarrassed and humiliated! 

Let’s face it, no one enjoys squandering strokes and thus this article has been written to help eliminate three putts from your score. Before suggesting several drills, tips and instructions to improve your putting let’s analyse the key problem areas that are making you three putt. 

The four main keys to avoiding three putting are good pace control, consistent distance control, having the skills to successfully read lines and the ability to hole short putts. 

This assumes that like most golfers you have read the line, such that the ball won’t be more than 3 foot wide of the line of the putt. 

On the whole one can make these assumptions, particularly on fairly flat greens but there are exceptions where the slope of the green plays a major part in causing you to three putt on fairly short putts.

A better golf swing is inevitable ......

A better golf swing is inevitable ...... For any player, with the right approach. It does not matter the age or ability. This is a reality ... and can happen very quickly! 

In order to achieve a better golf swing, golfers must realize that this is the human body in the end there is physically demanding.  You are swing an object (golf club) at up to 100 mph.  This puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles.

If these tissues of the body are weak, tight or brittle they will rupture and eliminate you from playing golf indefinitely.  If it doesn’t, your performance will pay the price.  The outcome either way is not what you want…but will happen without an emphasis on strengthening these areas.

Along with strengthening comes stretching.  Stretching muscles to attain a better golf swing is common among most golfers.  Although it is common, most golfers don’t stretch.  Why?  Because it is viewed as ‘work’.  But if it were viewed as a form of golf improvement it would be a different story.

Swing mechanics cannot be improved if your golf specific strength and flexibility are ignored.  It is an impossibility, unless you compensate for this lack of capabilities in your golf swing.  Teaching pros are now starting to realize there is a definite connection between golf swing mechanics and fitness.

But that’s where the BIG gap is.  Between instruction and physical fitness.  This is the ultimate combination for total golf performance and I have been preaching it for several years now.  When your physical capabilities are improved, your golf swing mechanics become much easier to achieve.

The next time you visit your teaching pro, to achieve a better golf swing, you’ll be able to do what he/she wants and the desired outcome will be achieved.  This result is inevitable when you get to move your body better. Your swing mechanics fall into place. 

It will only be a matter of time when all golfers will approach their golf improvement of this method. This will ensure long-lasting effect, and ultimately the only way to a better golf swing.

Smooth and continuous golf swing

1. Always use same swing pose every time you shift the ball from sand bunker.

Every time when you have to hit the ball away from the bunker, always use the same swing posture, and then adjust the position of the ball only, but also taking into account the weight adjustment should swing up and down harder or lighter, to estimate the target distance. Unless you are in a really difficult situation, such as the ball into the sand, or in any case, the normal method is not applicable, then the use of special techniques.

Normally, the factor use to decide how deep the sand you should dig into is depends on individual experience in sand bunker shifting, but the basic approach is addressing openly , keep the putter floating a bit above the sand, then swing down to the same line where you are addressing. It is also useful to keep in mind that you should hit the ball on the left and slices from outside reach in and the power must come from the upper part of the body while your feet buried into the sand and do not be afraid to hit the sand.

2. Your swing must be smooth and continuous.

There are so many people who see a friend can drive far more than oneself , then try to follow his approach by trying to use as much power as they can , as a result , they won't be able to control the ball's direction. The one of important thing for golfer is to maintain equilibrium between the body and the swing and keep it stable. Up swing with gentleness , not fast and jerk, then transfer the weight to right leg, when down swing, transfer the weight down to your hip while your eyes still watch at the ball , and hit the ball to the desired direction. The most important thing is you must maintain your position the speed of the swing at the same level every time.

3. When shifting...the head must be still.

One important cause that affect to the changing direction of the ball is tottering head when shifting , which will change the balance of your body. Therefore, to do effective shifting you must keep your head still and stable throughout the process. the basic approach when doing shift is stand open, lay the ball close to the right leg, maintain the weight to the left leg, hold the grip in short figure and do the stroke like when you are putting. About which size of putter should be used is really depends on individual experience and expertise. You should get much training enough to decide which size of putter suit you the most.

4. When up swing, make sure that your left shoulder aligned with the right foot.

Address in correct posture when up swing will bring the most effective and powerful to the hit. You must always remember that when up swing turn left shoulder to align with the right leg. This pose will draw the power from muscles between the shoulder and the waist while full speed of the swing being generated. The enough and proper training will develop you swing very quickly.

5. Find the focal point where the putter hit the ball.

Many professionals use to find the right technology is to keep the focus of hitting the ball leaves the putter a little bit away from the small gap between the ball and putter. This gap will let you know the putt will hit the ball, as a result, you may decide to focus.

Golf Swing Now

How To Easily Improve Your Bunker Shots

Share on Golf Swing Now: Bunker shots no longer have to be difficult. Typically, it’s tough for both inexperienced and seasonal golfers to play consistently good bunker shots, but it doesn’t have to be this way. These tips have been prepared to help you become more confident and improve your sand bunker play.

In fact if you’re new to the game you may have already fallen into the trap of thinking an explosion shot is the only way to play out of bunkers. Ultimately the mental strength you will gain from being an improved bunker player will also help with your approach shots, as you feel less intimidated playing over or between bunkers.

Bunker Shots In A Nutshell.

The primary thought for playing out of sand is to think of the bunker shot as one where the club hits the sand creating an explosion of sand that carries the golf ball out of the bunker. One mental trick is to forget the ball exists and imagine instead that it’s a rather large grain of sand. Bunker Shots v. Chip Shots Comparison.

Importantly though when you play a chip shot the club face hits the ball, whereas with a bunker shot this isn’t a requirement and there’s more room for error in terms of how much sand you take.

Thus, technically a basic bunker is not harder to play than a chip shot. In reality though the real problems in bunkers come from not having sufficient confidence to strike the sand where you are aiming with adequate control and rhythm. Additionally golfers have problems because they never really take the time to understand the construction of the sand wedge and how it differs from other clubs. Therefore, if this is you, please read on for an explanation and the specific tips for playing out of bunkers.

Understanding The Sand Wedge.

The sand wedge’s club face can vary from 55 to 58 degrees of loft, with 56 degrees being the most common one. Having too much bounce will cause you to bounce the clubhead into the side of the ball. Equally not having enough bounce will cause you to thin the ball because you will end up digging into the sand too much, just as if you were playing with a pitching wedge.

How To Play The Splash Bunker Shot.

There are two main ways you to play a bunker shot with your sand wedge. Firstly, you can play with a square face where the leading edge digs into sand and secondly by opening the clubface to skim through the sand with the bounce. Here are the 8 exact steps to playing a splash bunker shot.

How To Stop Pushing The Golf Ball

Standing on the tee, you feel relaxed and confident, until suddenly smack, you push your golf ball straight right into trouble! To fully appreciate why you are pushing the ball you need to understand that the ball comes off the club face in a straight direction because it is square to the inside to out line it is travelling along at impact.

Sometimes you will see the ball start out straight and then curve to the right, this is due to an open club face and is known as a push slice. A push hook occurs when you close the face.

Some Reasons You Are Pushing The Golf Ball.Sliding your hips on your downswing

Your hands are late to the ball because instead of properly making a full hip turn you slide your hips to the left too much. To fix a problem you do need to slow down your hips so as you can release your hands properly and prevent yourself from pushing your ball.

Firstly, it can be caused by swaying to the right on your back swing where you then consequently compensate for this by swinging back too much on your downswing to the left.

Secondly, you sway to your left by moving your head up as you swing. Moving your lower body faster than your upper one.

Many of the issues related to pushing the ball come down to timing issues. You will undoubtedly push the ball when your lower body gets faster than your upper one. As a result the lower body spins open whilst you drop your club far too much inside.

Swinging too much on an inside to outside path.

This action sees the golf club moving on an inside to outside path to the right of the target line.

The ball to target line is the line you want the ball to travel to reach its target in one straight shot. A pushed shot happens when the club is to the right of the ball to target line.
Be aware that by playing the ball too far back in your stance you increase the chances of swinging on an excessive in to out swing path. The club head meets the ball far too early and well before it has an opportunity to square up to the target line.

You need to make corrections so as you swing down the line instead of swinging out to the right field. Check that you aren’t positioning the ball too far back in your stance. If you can imagine your club head reaching the ball before the bottom of your swing arc you will find it is still travelling inside to outside.

It’s at the bottom of the swing arc that the clubface is square to the ball to the target line. The ball should be positioned in the middle of the stance for short clubs and pitching wedges and further towards the left foot for the longer clubs. If you are pushing, the ball it is likely by moving the ball forward you can correct this fault.

You are misaligned right of the target.

You are also likely to push the ball if the club face isn’t aiming directly at the target.
Ask yourself, are you aligned to the ball properly? Take time out to read these golf alignment tips and drills.

Moving your swing axis too much to the left.

You may be pushing the ball because you are moving your swing axis to the left.

Swinging too hesitantly.

Without that commitment, you are unlikely to fully commit to the shot and release the club head at impact. So it is in effect just like swaying the body to the left on the downswing, the club face will reach the ball whilst you are still swinging on an inside plane and before you square up through impact.