Small changes to your golf swing

Just by making a few small changes to your golf swing, you will radically transform the way you play golf.

Discover The Four Simple Moves Only 1% Of Golfers Are Aware Of For Less Than The Price Of A PGA Pro Lesson! Pinpoint With Absolute Certainty The Faults Cripling Your Golf Game - Without Wasting Your Time On The Practice Range - Say goodbye to the dreaded slice and hook forever!
Learn What Timeless Well-Meant Advice Has Cruelly Wrecked Your Swing Since The Day You First Picked Up A Club - The time has come to expose the poor tuition too many golfers like yourself have paid good money for! 
Discover The ONE Golf Technique That over the Generations Has Caused a Staggering Amount of Carnage for Millions of Golfers and how to completely ignore it! 
Learn How To Swing The Club On The Correct Path Each And Every Time Some people still think that the club head follows only a single path going up and coming down! 
Discover How To Think Your Way Around A Golf Course - No more "Dumb" Shot Choices. Guaranteed. Period. 
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See Your Handicap Go Into FreeFall With No Means Of Stopping It! - Whilst your friends are left in bewilderment at your weekly successes on the golf course...
Finally Play Golf Without Fear Or Apprehension - Once YOU Discover The Four Vital Moves To Your Golf Swing - This easy to follow "step by step system" will allow you to finally ignore the impossible and ill-founded advice that has been given in one form or another for about as long as there has been any literature on golf. (page 15)

By the way, these insider secrets I am about to reveal to you are not something you will discover casually while reading a golf magazine. In addition, I know damn well your local golf pro will not tell you!

Skeptical? Trust me, there's tens of thousands of professionals out there, telling golfers how to swing incorrectly.

So let me share with you the extraordinary results some of my clients have witnessed by transforming their golf swings.

Ordinary people, like you and me, with incredible results.

Agreed? In short I have discovered what it really takes to transform anyone's golf swing - by this, I mean real people like you and me. I never won any junior golf events throughout my teens and I was convinced I would never be able to improve. 

I cannot tell you the number of times I burnt a hole in my pocket convinced I had found the next "all singing - all dancing" golf improvement course. However many golf lessons I had, however many golf DVDs I watched, however many golf magazines I read, however many times I practiced - I never seemed to get better.

The result? Huge disappointment.

How I Discovered The Secret That Cut . My Handicap And Over 944 Other Golfers!.

Therefore, off I went in search of information and advice to help me significantly improve my golf swing.

I had stumbled across a book that showed a unique and simple way to play golf.

At a time when I was so confused about the golf, swing....

Here is how this ugly little myth works,

You watch a favorite professional golfer perform his "patented" swing, paying close attention to every detail.

You then duplicate every detail into your own swing, from memory, hoping to achieve the same result the pro does.

You may think you see Tiger uncork his wrist on the downswing... heck, CBS or Sky Sports may do a slow-motion repeat for you, pointing the uncorking out... but unless you understand WHY he is uncorking at that particular moment in the swing, you will NEVER figure out how to incorporate such an action into your own swing.

All the great golfers have. More specifically, there are exactly FOUR points in your swing where you also must make a critical CHOICE... and everything that happens in your swing will be affected by these four choices.

The reason professional golfers are making fabulous incomes playing golf and you're still trying to drop your handicap to single digits is because the pros have made good choices at each of these four vital points in their swing... and you still don't know there are choices to be made.

The bad swing is caused by a failure in execution at four critical points. Furthermore, golfers make the same mistakes at the same points, and this is true whether you test this principle with two golfers or two thousand.

Most poor or mediocre players manage to incorporate all four into one swing. With the four right moves instead of the four wrong ones my swing would be better, my mistakes fewer, and my scores lower.

There can be nothing more frustrating on a golf course than three putting. Having correctly executed your shots to reach the green in regulation it is so disappointing to initially have a putt for birdie but ultimately walk off the green with a bogey.

The unmentionable dreaded three putt demon patiently sits in the background ready to pounce on any unsuspecting golfer! How true the old clique of “you drive for show and putt for dough” resonates as you trudge off the green embarrassed and humiliated! 

Let’s face it, no one enjoys squandering strokes and thus this article has been written to help eliminate three putts from your score. Before suggesting several drills, tips and instructions to improve your putting let’s analyse the key problem areas that are making you three putt. 

The four main keys to avoiding three putting are good pace control, consistent distance control, having the skills to successfully read lines and the ability to hole short putts. 

This assumes that like most golfers you have read the line, such that the ball won’t be more than 3 foot wide of the line of the putt. 

On the whole one can make these assumptions, particularly on fairly flat greens but there are exceptions where the slope of the green plays a major part in causing you to three putt on fairly short putts.