Achieve Better Golf Posture

Achieve Better Golf Posture
The perfect golf swing drill is a joy to behold. The perfect golf swing drill starts with a proper back swing with the golf club swung right back to the limit of your body. 

At this segment of the perfect golf swing drill your mind should be preparing for the rotation of your body and the arm extension.

The perfect golf swing drill ends with the body weight on the outside of the front heel and the inside of the rear foot.

The perfect golf swing drill is easy when your body is prepared and conditioned to achieve it. However the perfect golf swing drill can be very difficult for a golfer not involved in any golf specific exercise designed to condition and prepare their muscles and body in general for the strain and pressure that golf usually brings.

There is no doubt that the perfect golf swing drill happens only with those whose muscles and bodies have been prepared.

Often one of the most overlooked areas of play is the postural address or setup position of the swing.  Proper posture and foot placement allows you to maintain your balance throughout the swing. Also proper body alignment can help to create a setup that leads to control.  Postural alignment is an integral part of the quality of your golf swing.
Good postural alignment helps you create power and control the direction of the shot. Key pre-swing elements such as ball position and body alignment create the conditions that lead to control. The body angles that you create at address directly influence the path and angle on which you swing the club. They influence the body positions and movements; thus your setup directly affects all elements of the swing.

A physical fitness assessment can give you much information on achieving good posture throughout your swing.  Don’t overlook the advantages of muscular strength and flexibility when considering the golf swing.  These advantages can make the difference between playing great golf and constantly struggling to maintain your current level of play.

By identifying areas of weakness, you are able to direct your fitness regimen to retrain old muscle habits, improve muscle memory, coordinate spinal movement and thus improve your posture.  Concentrating on the muscles that control the spine angle, your center of gravity and balance, you will improve the muscles necessary to correct current swing faults.